Why Aren’t You Angry?

By David Glenn Cox

Marge Magilla Gorilla Greene is really angry. Boy oh boy if only she had her way. If she had her way, she’d get that Dr. Fauci. And she’d throw him into prison until the hands fell off the clock. Marge isn’t talking about suing the good doctor or pressing charges. No, just throwing him in jail! Because he had um, um, he had been in charge of the government efforts fighting Covid-19.

Oooh! She’s mad! And even though it’s been a couple of years now, she’s still mad! Fauci made her wear a mask and social distance and the McDonalds was shut down when she wanted a hamburger. And they say generals fight the last war. Masking and social distancing as a campaign issue in 2024? Threatening an old, retired man without any grounds except for her own personal anger.

But the message really isn’t about masks or social distancing, it’s about anger. Anger pays the bills and buys the beans and biscuits.

Lara Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law and appointed head co-stooge of the RNC says. “If you cheat, we will track you down! We will get you! Hide and watch! This time pushing a four-year-old meme of stolen elections. Lara’s mad too and she means business. It is the rattling of a stick hitting the inside of a swill bucket, using emotion to get the pigs excited.

Donald Trump is also angry, having been convicted of 34 felonies by a jury of his betters. Roar! Anger and invective! I’ll get you, my pretty! And your little dog too! Because the Trump campaign has no ideas or promises for a better day. They have no way to incite the masses other than through anger.

No organic ideas for improving America, just themes and memes of anger to be repeated ad nauseum over and over. Let’s talk about the border, this is all Joe Biden’s fault no matter what Ronald Reagan said about it. Trump’s advantage is that his simple simian psychopaths believe whatever he says blindly. So, Trump can say he’d end the war in Ukraine in 24 hrs. or make the birds fly backwards. Like Richard Nixon’s secret plan to end the Vietnam War. Step one: vote for Richard Nixon. Step two: we’re working on it.

But yesterday was Mr. Trump’s 78th birthday. When your central campaign theme is your claim, your opponent is much TOO old for the job. Seventy-eight birthdays should be ignored and down played as much as possible. No birthday cakes with candles (Fire Marshall’s orders.) I’ll show you what I mean. Trump challenges Joe Biden to a cognitive intelligence test and then promptly screws up the name of the doctor.

Trump wouldn’t have issued the challenge if he hadn’t been studying for the test. “The cow says, “moo!” It’s a rhinosuaris, sis, sis, hippo!” Mr. Trump fails to understand the special nature of the test. It’s not a test they give to everybody. Only those special people who exhibit a special need to be tested. It’s like when the eye doctor asks, “How many fingers am I holding up?” It isn’t supposed to be a test of your math skills. I got everyone right!

Mama always said the folks at home know you best. So, your wife never smiles when you are around. And you two sleep in separate bedrooms. She attends few campaign engagements and never sings his praises to the press. A Bible salesman who never goes to church or quotes the Bible. A three-time married serial fornicator who buried his ex on a Golf course. How is that even legal?

The Bedminster Golf Course and Serenity Acres? Do you have to take a penalty stroke for hitting the headstone? Like a creepy Steven King novel. Is it me or do these hazards keep moving? I swear, there didn’t used to be a sand trap here!

The dozing low voltage simians don’t notice Donald Trump’s wife doesn’t seem to like him very much. Or notice his son and namesake had to call the chief of staff to speak to his dear old dad. Or that his other children having milked the old man like a cow have now abandoned him to his fate. They are either dependent on Donald Trump or they are estranged from him. Mama was right, the folks at home know you best.

Never mind what some New York pretty boy reporter with a microphone and a permanent wave in his hair says. Look what the man’s own family says and how they act around him.  Did you see how Barron Trump’s brothers and sisters all cheered at his high school graduation? Me neither! Why weren’t they there, were they under indictment or something? He’s just another heir in the will to be paid off with a few bananas as the interloper cutting into their shares! If he was a baby bird, they would have pushed him from the nest a long time ago.

Boy those damn Covid restrictions from a couple of years ago, sure chaff my drawers! Targeting simple messages for simple people. Some people, people you probably wouldn’t like. Foreigners maybe, are out to take something from you! You should get angry and get really mad. Look what they are doing to this poor, poor innocent man. Look how they’re destroying our country with mask restrictions and trampling our freedoms! Why aren’t you angry? Screw the issues! Get pissed off!

They can sell anger, but they can’t sell the issues, so they make up their own issues and get outraged by them.

“I’m not crazy about reality, but it’s still the only place to get a decent meal.” ― Groucho Marx

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