God’s Punishments…Today!

By David Glenn Cox

The Iowa Caucuses will be held in a subzero frozen winter locker. Never good news for any politician trying to get out the vote. But Iowans take their civic duty quite seriously. The Bible thumpers would say God is placing his judgement on the Republicans. It’s just too early in the year for the locust.

Mississippi Governor Tate (Pappy McDaniel’s) Reeves has announced the state will forgo a Federal program to help feed school children during the summer months. A total of $120 per family or $40.00 over three months. The state’s contribution is zip. The money is just sitting on the table and all a state needs do to obtain it, is to just reach for it. Money for food assistance for hungry American children.

Governor Reeves passed the largest tax cut in Mississippi history and now says the state doesn’t have the resources to administer the program. But the real reason is the general ugliness of modern Republicanism. Cruelty is good! “Vote for me and I’ll make sure those children go hungry!”

But Mr. Potter, those families have children.  “They aren’t my children.”

During the late Covid epidemic, a similar Federal program offered additional funds for food assistance for school children quarantined at home and not in school. Florida’s share of the money was 50 million dollars. Same deal, the state just has to say they want it, and they automatically get it. Ron DeSantis just ignored them and never asked for the money. Forgetting the joy Republicans get from denying food to small children, there is still the business angle to consider. That’s 50 million dollars that could have been spent in Florida grocery stores.

Putting razor wire on the river and letting people drown. Yea Ha! That’s why they call it the One-star state! Teach em a lesson Junior! Everything is bigger in Texas, including assholes. They never ask why the migrants come and never consider what could be done for them at home to keep them from coming. Fuck em! That’s their problem.  I got mine Bubba, Fuck you!

Other Republican states opting to let children go hungry include Alabama (Of course!) It wouldn’t be Alabama if they tried to feed hungry children. Georgia, South Carolina (Hi Nikki!) Louisiana obviously, and the gangs all here with Texas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The Confederacy with their new pledges and special guest stars. Fighting big government socialism, one hungry child at a time.

A reactionary nature where Evil must be punished. If you are poor, you shouldn’t have had all those children. So, let God’s punishment be upon you! Let the children go hungry! You had sex! You knew we’d get there eventually, didn’t you? Having sex agin God’s teachings, so here is your big RED letter. The puritan mindset where they must put their thumb on the scales of repressive justice. God’s punishments just ain’t quick enough, so hold my beer!

It’s only eight million children nationwide. As Iowa Republican Governor Kim Reynolds says the Federal program “does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic.” Obviously, not feeding hungry children, fights childhood obesity. Won’t you please help?

Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Republicans answer, “Suffer! Make them suffer! That’s our job!” Teach them a lesson! God damned little kids eating up all the corn and going to school.

Vote Republican! God’s punishments…Today!

Donald Trump, election denier number one tells his droids in Indianola to vote even if it kills you. What the hell, you little people don’t matter anyway. Just vote for me before you die!

Trump said; “You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it, Even if you vote and then pass away, it’s worth it, remember.”

Even if you’re sick as a dog, go to caucuses and spread those germs around some. Your health doesn’t matter to me. Callousness and cruelty is the Republican stock and trade.

All boiling down to the simian fear of somebody’s getting something I’m not getting. Everybody has got it so easy, except for me! I’m working double shifts at the axle foundry and walking home uphill both ways in the snow. And somebody is getting free bananas and I’m not getting any. They live the life of Riley driving new cars and living in lavish homes while I break my back just trying to squeak by. The ghosts of Reagan’s welfare queens.

All welfare is bad even essential welfare is bad. This modern puritan belief goes all the way to Herbert Hoover.

“Economic depression can not be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement”
― Herbert Hoover

So do nothing at all! It will all work itself out in a decade or two. You’re not hungry now, are you? People are going hungry but, so what who cares? The machinery of the economy is much more important than the people in the economy. The machinery of Capitalism is oiled with the blood of the workers. They feared any government welfare would demoralize them, so Hoover sent seed boxes to hungry people. Make em work for those vegetables, otherwise they will get lazy.

It’s ingrained in them that people are just no good. Like Woody Guthrie said, Never saw a rich man who didn’t think everyone was out to rob them.

A wonderful ploy and a useful premise, the enemy is everywhere. The enemy is everyone; you know those people. Those people invisibly riding the public gravy train. The immigrant and the poor are their useful scapegoats. Them and their hungry kids too, huh? Huh?

“True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

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