Playing the Sympathy Card

By David Glenn Cox

Sorry, I don’t mean to flog a dead horse. (forgive me; I’m weak) But it’s one thing to write a career ending autobiography. It’s quite another to write a career ending autobiography, after being directly told by professionals not to. Apparently, all roads lead to Noem. Kristi was warned to drop the dog killing story from her book by her first publisher and refused. “No, you’re wrong, they’ll love it!”

Learning from DJT Noem fights back when she should just disappear and stay quiet for a while. Let the storm blow over and let the dust settle. Didn’t the Godfather teach her anything? After his crime, Michael went to Sicily, until the heat was off.

Rookie League mistakes and an inability to take good advice. “I’ll fight back! That’s what I’ll do. You’ll see! He really was a mean dog, and I was perfectly justified in putting him out of my misery. By the time I’m through, I’ll have them all eating right out of my hand! Sure, all I have to do is to convince America dogs are hairy, snapping ugly snarling smelly beasts. I can do that.”

Still out there swinging when she should have been packing her bags for home. Her appearance in the bigtime abbreviated by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Trying to get the Reich wing gun crazies to take her side. Labeling her critics as “Liberals” and “Fake news!” Sure, that’ll work. A bunch of damn Liberals think it’s wrong to shoot your dog in the head, if he doesn’t behave! Second Amendment baby! Her efforts have fallen flat, and she could have been packed by now.  I hear the train a comin, it’s a comin round the bend. Tell Ma to set a place for me at supper.

It is difficult in our modern pantheon of Republican demi clods to find an equal case of personal self-destruction. Maybe, when Barry Goldwater said we should nuke the Communist Chinese. Advocating for a third World War. With the Republican logic that we have them out gunned and they’ll never see it comin if we strike them first! Maybe twenty, twenty-five million American casualties’ tops. But hey, look on the bright side, maybe we’ll get off lucky and that will be that! Communist China problem all solved by a simple atomic genocide.

As strange as it sounds, Noem and Goldwater are on the same Republican page. Sometimes we have to do horrible things we don’t want to do. Because life is tough, and you have to be tough too! If you have a deadly epidemic spreading and killing people. Keep the doors open! Everybody attend church on Sunday, everyone over to the kissing booth! It is a tough decision, either let thousands of people die or close down McDonalds?

Tough choices; tax cuts for the affluent or better schools?

A vaccine? Vaccines don’t work and besides they’re real expensive. Just let God do his work of weeding out our little human garden. Sure, it sounds mean and heartless, but you have to be tough sometimes with the untermunchin, tough but fair. God really loves poor people, that’s why he made so many Republicans.

What does Donald Trump want for Christmas? He wants a genuine Johnny Lighting “Take Me Off to Jail” Action figure. He wants desperately to go to jail, and all the judge does is to just warn him over and over. Posting and then deleting rants about Stormy Daniels. “Oh, Whoops! I forgot again! I’m under a gag order, aren’t I?”

Trump desperately wants to change the subject from Trump dozing at the defendant’s table. To Donald Trump the victim of an evil machine. The same President who advocates for the right to kill his political opponents’ cries and complains. They’re using the legal process to pick on me!

But what Donald Trump wants is martyrdom. He wants photos of his perp walk out of the courtroom. Never mind what I did! Look what they’re doing to me! Vilifying the prosecutors with every two-syllable word he can think of. “Oops, I’m not supposed to say that.” (places finger on chin) “I forgot!”

Trump could do a dirty thirty in the slammer. But nobody wants to drop the hammer. Nobody wants to send a former President to jail for a month. It looks bad and reflects badly upon us as a group. But the object here is control. Trump is trying to control the festivities by subverting the gag order and thumbing his nose at the judge’s authority. Playing chicken on the legal highway of life. “I dare you! I double dog dare you! Do it! Do it! Buck, buck, buck…chicken!”

Chances are Mr. Trump would receive an afternoon or a night in jail for a future offence. A prolonged sentence could be construed as election interference. Giving Mr. Trump a new avenue to claim his victimhood. “I would have won that election if I hadn’t been in jail half the time.

Trump stakes his own arrest virginity. A first arrest is a big deal. A second, not as much and a third? Normalizing his own confinement by trying to show how tough he is. For Donald Trump it is an existential crisis because anyway he plays it, Trump ends up in jail.

A nuclear option as Trump plays his last card and hoping against hope, the morons and mental midgets of the mongoloid Maga will rise up and save his bacon.

“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.”  ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

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