The Swan Song

By David Glenn Cox

Give a guy a good job and then make it damn near impossible to fire him and what did you expect would happen? Add in arrogance and stir. Once upon a time a Supreme Court Justice was respectable even if corrupt. They didn’t appear on the Tonight Show playing the saxophone or do twenty minutes of stand-up in a Las Vegas lounge.

But we live in an age of brash, an age of pushing your way to the front of the crowd and shouting, look at me! “Hi Ma!” Watch me moonwalk! I’m not just a Judge; I can also sing Country songs! Dignity is out the window. Aw heck, anybody can just sit there and look serious, but have you ever seen a Justice dance the merengue? “You know, they don’t dance like Carmen Miranda anymore!”

This is America where Samuel Alito has god given right to look America straight in the eye and shout “FUCK YOU! And your little dog too!” Now, according to sources, the Alito’s first flew an upside-down American flag in answer to anti-Trump yard signs in their neighborhood, but let’s ignore the childish pettiness. According to Sam, it was all his wife’s doing. “Yes dear.”

Then Mrs. Karen Alito was so outraged and offended by others in her neighborhood having differing opinions; she just couldn’t help herself. Where’s that damn flag? “Yes dear. Whatever you say dear.”

In my mind’s eye, I see a traffic stop where the husband is trying to be cooperative. But the wife is in the passenger seat angrily arguing his case for him. “You don’t have to take that crap off of him! Tell him to fuck off! Oh yeah? I dare you to arrest him! Go ahead! Your Taser doesn’t scare him any!”

Either Mr. Sam is just trying to shuffle the blame off on to the Mrs. to dodge the responsibility himself. Or it WAS the Mrs. and Sam was unable to stop her. She gets that look in her eye sometimes and well. She gets a couple of drinks in her sometimes and there is just no stopping her! Just because you live in a neighborhood filled with big fine houses, doesn’t mean the people act any differently inside of them. Same story, different Zip code.

It is illogical for this to be Sam inspired. Once you’ve got the top job, those antics can only fuck it up for you. Hence, Sam and his wife and their now famous upside-down flag are in every newspaper and television broadcast in America.

“Hey look everybody! I’m a crooked partisan! Crooked as a country road! No really, I’m an honest Justice wink, wink. It makes no sense that a Supreme Court Justice would bring down fire and wrath upon himself and the court while gaining… absolutely nothing! Everyone knows where Alito stands politically. What is to be gained by putting on a show? The fickle finger of fate points to someone else being behind it all. Someone who is only trying to help Sam. “This way he won’t execute us when he takes over!”

That’s the irony of it all. This distress the Alito’s are proclaiming can only be solved by Donald Trump. When the only distress Donald Trump could solve, would be by making the Supreme Court pointless and redundant. Dictators only need courts once to rubber stamp what they have already approved. Then they become empty offices to collect dust and the memories of what used to be.

Let us not forget the forlorn case of the fallen angel Mike Pence. And on that fateful blustery January 6th day, Mike did the right thing, and they will never forgive him for it! Pence and company were rushed into an underground parking garage. The door to the beast was opened, and a Secret Service agent ordered the Vice President to get in the car!

And it was then, Mike Pence had his eyes opened and understood this wasn’t some baseball field in Iowa but the big, big time. Where they play hardball and will throw at your head. Then Mike Pence said, “no! I’m not getting in the car.” Pence grasping there was a lot on the line here besides a car ride and his disappearance could be made useful. Understanding Donald Trump ran the entire Federal government including the Secret Service.

Never you mind what I think, Mike Pence thought the same thing. If he got in that car, he could find himself on a fact-finding trip to Botswana or worse. Never mind what I think, he wouldn’t get in the car when ordered to by his security detail because he didn’t trust them. And on that January 6th the conspirators worried about Mike Pence, but the conspirators never for a minute doubted the veracity of the Supreme Court.

If the Republicans could cobble together enough fraudulent electors and make the Vice President disappear for a little while. The issue would go to the Supreme Court, and the court would rubber stamp and willingly approve a second Trump Administration.

We owe a great debt to Sam or Mrs. Alito. For illustrating for us and reminding us well what is at stake here in this election. If you think the fraudulent electors are guilty of crimes…guess what? What’s an RV or a few free trips around the world or fixing up old mama’s place when compared with sedition. The Thomas’s and the Alito’s and company would have gladly thrown your votes in the trash and installed a dictator. And it would have been the last piece of important legislation they ever would have needed to rule on.

All hail, the Supreme Court’s swan song!

“Chronic remorse, as all the moralists are agreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time. On no account brood over your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is not the best way of getting clean.” ― Aldous Huxley

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