Remember: Don’t Overthink It

By David Glenn Cox

In another step towards full-blown madness, Donald Trump now compares himself with Mother Theresa. It’s not that Trump wants to be offensive; he just doesn’t know any better. His middling muddled mind makes these loose general associations which always favor himself in any bargain. Any day now, he will be comparing himself to Rosa Parks or Anne Frank.

All I wanted to do was ride on the bus. But Joe Biden wouldn’t let me!

Throughout every scenario Trump is the poor injured beleaguered innocent fighting against mean people. “There I was, minding my own business when they charged me with paying off a porn star! Do you believe that? Me? They’re all out to get me! They hate me because I’m me! They hate you too! So, we better stick together, or they will get me. I mean, they’ll get you.

Documentary film maker Ken Burns gives us a preview of his latest project “Oh Fuck! The Trump years.” Burns slamming Donald Trump as you might expect. The problem is no one on the other side is listening. Eighty-one Nobel Prize winners or twenty-seven entomologists or sixteen yoyo champions, the message just isn’t getting through.

Falling through the rabbit hole into an alternative universe with red Christmas trees and a Mad hatter. Do you know what really pissed off the Libertarians? Trump signed his own death warrant with them by funding a vaccine to fight Covid 19. In their philosophy, when in doubt do nothing! Spend no money! Take no precautions! Just like in the days of the Black Death! Do nothing and in just fifty or sixty short years or so, you won’t hardly even think about it anymore.

Trumpers are taught to believe doctors are bad and not be trusted. Judges and attorneys are even worse than doctors. School teachers have an evil agenda to indoctrinate your children into becoming cross-dressing godless vegan homosexuals driving around in electric cars. Oil companies have no agenda, but scientists do! Fox News is just here to inform you. It is the fog, and you must believe it all in totality. Because you wanna be in the cult, don’t you?

There was no insurrection on January 6th. Donald Trump did nothing wrong. But ask them to explain about Mike Pence? If Donald Trump were innocent, why does the cult hate Mike Pence? If Trump is innocent, he should praise Mike Pence for doing the right thing. You can’t have it both ways, yet they do!

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell

Trump’s election legal challenges were swatted down almost immediately. His attorneys were chastised for bringing such meritless crap into court. But those legal decisions were made by evil Judges, weren’t they? “Everybody is always out to get me.”

The election was stolen! Proof? Who needs proof? Just say it and repeat it over and over. And if your surrogates are imprisoned or disbarred for saying it? So? Who is paying attention anyway? Not these little Schicklgruber wannabes, that’s for damn sure.

The ultimate fiction believed by all unquestioningly, is a belief Donald Trump is actually running for President. Donald Trump isn’t running for President; he’s running from the law. He’s using his Presidential campaign as a fundraising arm of his legal defense. The court house lobby is his campaign stop. Mixing the campaign and his court case into one indecipherable slurry. The untermunchin aren’t much on details anyway or reading comprehension either.

“The man who doesn’t read has no advantage over the man who can’t read.” Mark Twain

 In Texas, as in other one-Party authoritarian states, unity is a hard commodity to find. Republicans are now blaming other Republicans for stealing a primary election. You knew it would come to this someday, didn’t you? The Attorney General versus the Speaker of the Texas House, Revolution for the hell of it. “I’ll get you! And your little dog too!” Just like in the French Revolution, once they’ve dispensed with all the royals and their functionaries, they begin going after each other.

Trump believing even Mother Theresa couldn’t escape his legal charges. Only Mother Teresa never would have gotten herself into this legal mess in the first place. But Trump doesn’t know Mother Theresa from Wilma Flintstone. She’s just a name he’s pulled from his consciousness pile. “She victim! Me victim too!” Only Mama Theresa wasn’t a victim. Not even once. She innocent! Me innocent too!

Mother Theresa laid down her earthly burdens among us almost thirty years ago. That’s almost a hundred years in Trump years. Some on the low IQ crew might not even know these days who she was? Catholics might take offense because that’s what they like to do. A tempest in a piss pot.

A man who doesn’t know what he is talking about most of the time. Explaining to those who aren’t really listening most of the time or don’t comprehend his meaning but still generally approve. That’s why Trump can get away with what he says, most of his followers aren’t listening anyway. Between watching mixed martial arts, wrestling NASCAR and fixing flats at the truck stop, it’s a busy life. The inarticulate aren’t saddled with the need to hear facts or ungainly coherent figures. Their free time isn’t wasted upon pointless intellectual pursuits.

Nor are they interested in hearing the finer points of your argument. “Me right! You wrong! Gimme another beer junior!” In Texas, they thought it just good fun to run a Biden campaign bus off the highway. “Aw, now, the boys was just playin! Where’s your sense of humor?”

Hillary Clinton’s, “basket of deplorables.” The low IQ crew. Don’t try impressing them with your vocabulary. You’ll only make them angry.  Remember: Don’t overthink it.

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” ― George Orwell

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