The Strength to Suffer

By David Glenn Cox

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we aren’t bright enough to deceive. I must take exception, It was said and titled no less. “Senator Ron Johnson’s Claim he Knew nothing about Fake Electors Plot Isn’t Believable.” Per MSNBC but if you polled some of the dumbest members of the US Senate, they would all tell you… Four out of five bottom feeders would say, Ron and Ted Cruz would have to arm wrestle for the title.

If Ron Johnson tells you he doesn’t know about something. You must accept that as a distinct possibility, even if you told him about it yourself yesterday. Hiding in the clouds of ignorance there is always a possibility he doesn’t know shit about shit. But more likely, it’s rats on a sinking ship looking for higher quarters. The old Sergeant Schultz routine; “I know nothing. The what, who?”

While we all watch the three ring Trump circus, we might lose sight of the slow-moving clowns caught in the wheels of justice. The plot was simple enough, presenting a phony slate of electors to throw the Senate into confusion. Preventing the peaceful transfer of power and giving Republicans in the Senate the opportunity to feign not knowing what to do. And then voting to wash their hands and send the case to Old Reliable, The Supreme Court. They’ll know what to do just like Jack the Ripper does.

Bring your friends! We need a slate of electors to sign their lives away. What an honor, something to tell your grandkids about. Sign here, here in Arizona it has taken out most of the Republican Party upper echelon of leadership due to this high honor being bestowed.

What sets this coup attempt apart is technology. These folks texted like they had the “Unlimited” plan. Hence, they don’t believe Sen. Johnson as his texts say otherwise. Maybe they figured it would all work out and if it didn’t, no one would really care. But signing a fraudulent Federal document and sending it to the US Senate, is attempting to defraud the United States. Doesn’t matter how or why or what mechanism was used in the fraud. Is this your signature?

“I didn’t know what I was signing!” is a common refrain to be answered with, “You’ll know next time.” King Trump might have billions for his legal defense but guess what? Not so the phony electors. They’ll get out their pens again and sign confessions and plea arrangements. And then the circle moves up to the next level and Ron Johnson doesn’t know nothing.

Before long, Sen. Johnson will only speak about it through his attorneys. This thing is a poison because there is so little wiggle room involved. Did you sign this? Is that your signature? Then, that’s your Edsel! You bought it! Now drive!

What have we learned about sending nine hundred or so insurrectionists to Federal Prison? It has a calming effect on the other’s attitudes despite 100% daily intake of Fox News. Reality sinks in! Not me buddy, I’m not losing my house! These couch potato warriors only wanted to steal, not to fight. And so, as the next level of prosecutions begin the underlings might begin to ask themselves, do I really want the big job? Some nutball could come along and shove a paper under my nose to sign. And before you can turn around, I’m on my way to Maxwell Federal Prison.

Or you could talk, and it goes up yet another level to the organizers themselves. (Run Ron Run!) Behind a backdrop of sea of confessions and plea agreements. Ron Johnson’s stands accused, and the investigation moves on to the next level of the ring leaders and the big cheese himself.

Five different Republican state Parties, all with the same idea? I don’t think so, it’s a conspiracy. And it’s all brutally simple, if you lie on a federal document you could go to jail. It doesn’t matter what lies you tell or what you’re trying to get away with. “Is this your signature?”

Almost like scenery in the background, it escapes the public’s attention the individual prosecutions of low-level Republican functionaries in the different states. Suddenly, as if out of the blue, a US Senator claims to know nothing about it. “Honest, I didn’t know they were going to rob the bank. I just gave them a ride. They said, park here and keep the motor running. I didn’t ask why?”

Johnson relates all the favorite Republican tropes about being picked on and persecuted for his illegal actions. Oh, it’s a tyranny! They’re arresting rich people just for breaking the law! God help us all! The volume of Ron Johnson’s squeak tells you all you need to know about having someone by the nuts. They have the texts where Johnson told his staff explicitly about the phony elector’s plot. Ron wrote it all down. No secret code or disappearing ink or nothing, Ron wrote it all down.

So certain their little plot would work they never even considered a plan “B.” What if this doesn’t work? Tickets to Rio? Let me ask you again, is Ron Johnson dumb enough not to know what is going on? A cancer is spreading in the Republican party, spreading  out and corrupting and pitting conspirators versus non conspirators.  As fraudulent judges delay Trump’s criminal trials until the 12th of never. These cases wait just under the surface percolating up and poisoning the life out of the Republican Party.

“All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it’s impossible) but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things, not the strength to suffer.”  ― Niccolo Machiavelli

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