Smoke and Mirrors

By David Glenn Cox

I came for the glitch, but I stayed for the theatrics. Former President Trump was addressing the (tits up) NRA in an emotional music led soap opera soundtrack. During the performance staged entirely for Mr. Trump’s own benefit. Mr. Trump appeared to freeze up. (Turn him off count to ten and then turn him back on again or try control, Alt and Delete!)

But this is where Donald Trump can fool you. He’s very good sometimes at improvisation on stage. He’s a ham and that’s what hams do. Years of television production under his belt from the only honest job he’s ever held. He made a living being a TV actor playing the part of a tough guy billionaire shouting “you’re fired!” or “Jetson! You’re fired!”

Was it a glitch or a pre-planned pause? Was it a broken teleprompter and Trump’s subtle hidden frustration? Just the other day, the old lumbering lummox grabbed the side of the podium on stage and almost fell over. (He’s no fun, he fell right over) Trump was quick to pop off and make light of his own imbecility, much to the delight and enjoyment of all the other imbeciles present.

Sure, during part of the pause, Mr. Trump had a look on his face of confused “What’s my next line?” Is it a bad memory, a bad teleprompter or bad acting? The thoughtful pause, (Count one, one thousand, two one thousand. Twenty-seven one thousand twenty-eight one thousand) let us all bow our heads in a moment of silent reflection. Dig deep, brother Leroy will now pass among you. Trying to add a little weight to the content with a cheesy soundtrack in the background and an overdone pregnant pause. “Do it for the little fellers and the generations a coming!”

If it was a teleprompter malfunction, Mr. Trump handled the malfunction the opposite of the day before. Answering one with a bombastic comment and the other with a confused but colorful pissed off look.  All leading to the speculation Mr. Trump froze up like Windows 98 on a Radio Shack computer. Trump’s performance was timed with a sympathetic soap opera score and maybe and he got a little ahead of the music. Maybe he figured, this would be a good spot to get back in sink. Like a Karaoke singer, maybe he just got lost. “My Sharona!”

We shouldn’t over think this question of Donald Trump’s emotional stability. That ship sailed long ago. But Donald Trump is a performer and a chameleon. And in my capacity of knowing absolutely nothing at all about the field of psychology. I would speculate the man has multiple personalities. That would explain a lot. Why one night he’s Rodney Dangerfield “Woah, I don’t get no respect!” doing stand up and the next he’s a perplexed, perturbed and pissed off old boob. Almost like he’s two different people or maybe even three or four. That’s why he doesn’t have a dog. The dog would never know for sure who was calling him.

That is what keeps us all guessing, isn’t it? Boob or strategist? Chess player or puts things in his mouth? I try to learn from those closest around Mr. Trump to glean some insight. We know from the transcripts that when Don Jr. wants to talk to his dad he had to go through his Dad’s chief of staff. “You’ll wait in line just like everyone else and you’ll like it!” Donald Trump is a family man; family is very important to him. That’s why he’s had so many of them.

The other day, it was announced no doubt due to his father’s influence. That young Barron Trump had been selected as a Florida delegate to the Republican national convention. In a double-quick hot fury, Mama Trump answered, “no the hell he ain’t gonna be a delegate.” And that was that! He ain’t gonna be a delegate. Obviously, the couple doesn’t talk much. That tells us Donald Trump wears the pants in the family only when his wife’s not in the room. There is a line he dare not cross after she’s counted to ten and said her piece.

But my heart went out to young Barron, just eighteen and his mom is still picks out his clothes for him. His dream of staying up late and smoking cigarettes was dashed by Mommy dearest. He’s eighteen and just graduated from High School and has no voice in the matter whatsoever. Three days at the convention could be a teenage boy’s wet dream come true, but mama said, no! But I can also see Mrs. Trump’s side of things as well. She doesn’t want her little boy to turn out like the rest of the Trump family.

So, did Donald Trump glitch? Trump has been glitched for several years now. It’s all a stunt, a badly choreographed “Strawberry Fields Forever” stunt set to music. I bet the NRA didn’t even know they were holding a meeting until Donald Trump called them up and told them they were.

It’s all a stage play, Donald Trump pretending he’s running for President when he’s actually running away. The lackeys’ the hangers on and Trump children appear in court on demand supporting dear ole Dad. But they disappear just as quickly. They come when called but leave if left unattended. They never one showed up to court spontaneously to offer their support.

It’s all a part of the fantasy, a fantasy of Donald Trump pretending he believes he could be reelected. Of the multiple millions of mutated morons with their double-digit IQs who believe Donald Trump could be reelected. Breathe deep and toke it all up y’all. But the numbers just aren’t there. Is Donald Trump more popular now than he was four years ago? Obviously not. Is public opinion starting to turn against Trump starting with officials inside the Republican Party?

It’s all a fantasy campaign, all smoke and mirrors and publicity stunts. Donald Trump will do naked handstands to draw attention to himself, but the party is over.

“I have nothing but respect for you — and not much of that.”
― Groucho Marx

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