The Deduct Box

By David Glenn Cox

Big court news everybody. Donald Trump’s attorneys prove conclusively Michael Cohen was a low down scuze ball and a thief. I’m rocked to my core by this latest revelation. Only now, we discover Donald Trump’s prime attorney Michael Cohen was a scuze ball. If he hadn’t been a scuze ball all along, he never would have gotten the job as Trump’s attorney in the first place.

Mr. Cohen has since been acid washed with a full personality makeover. He served his Trump time in the slammer and then went to work for the nice lucrative television network. But back before Mike became this “great guy” he was Donald Trump’s hatchet man. The maker of demands and the author of many a threatening letter. (Think New York)

That’s their big courtroom gotcha moment. Your honor, this man is a thief. He stole money from poor, poor Donald Trump while poor, poor Mr. Trump was simply trying to cover up his illicit affair with a porn star. So as not to spoil his political chances or upset his pregnant wife. Mr. Cohen was only pretending to be Mr. Trump’s friend in order to steal his money! Shocking! Disgusting! Outrageous!

Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight. Good job! They proved Michael Cohen was a man who would steal a red-hot stove without oven mitts. Too bad they never tried proving old Mike was a liar. That might have come in handy. Somehow the proven fact that Cohen would steal the pennies off his dead mother’s eyes also proves Michael Cohen is a liar? It’s the old legal theory that a prostitute can’t tell the truth because they are a prostitute.

Trump’s attorneys are handicapped, if they throw mud on Michael Cohen the overspray could land on Donald Trump. Cohen was such a disreputable low-down thieving scuze ball of an attorney he worked primarily for the likes of Donald Trump for more than a decade. They knew each other. Birds of a feather.

There is an episode of the Soprano’s where the mob boss Tony is playing Monopoly with his family. He’s obviously cheating hand over fist. He just can’t help himself. Surprise! What did you expect? That’s the way he is! He’s a thieving criminal all the time and in everything he does. No exceptions.

When’s the best time to scam the rubes and skin the suckers? When you’re already on trial for scamming the suckers of course.

I can only imagine inside the smooth surfaces of Donald Trump’s addled mind. Is this idea of snatching five billion dollars, financing his own presidential campaign, and living happily ever after as Emperor.

But they talk about and publish stories about Truth Social, like this is a real product or something. When it’s NOT! It’s a fraud being committed in plain sight. Check this out, Truth Social media took in  $770,500 for the first Quarter (three months!) and posted a net loss of $327.6 MILLION. That isn’t even a business that’s a lemonade stand! Sure, we didn’t take in enough to cover the light bill and salaries, but we have some mighty big, big growth plans for the future.

Maybe Trump TV or live streaming Trump. Trump video games the skies the limit! Whatever the market and the suckers will bear. They have never even made one dollar of profit from Truth Social ever. Chances are, they never will. Like “The Producers” they are selling stock in a play which will always lose money. Truth Social has taken on a new auditing company after the last auditor was accused by the SEC of committing Fraud. SURPRISE! I bet you never saw that one coming, did you?

In actual fact, Truth Social has only one asset. A 78-year-old fat man with a penchant for loud remarks orange face paint. That’s it! That’s all folks! Coming up next Donald Trump’s opinion. Followed by, more and more of Donald Trump’s opinions. I read the story of one poor deluded rube who invested all his retirement money in Truth Social, and despite the stock price crashing remains confident in the stock’s eventual recovery (facepalm.)

In the real world, how long would banks and investors go along with a company with only one product. A company which consistently loses tons and tons of money hand over fist with no prospects for any positive change in the future. Well, of course it would be wrong and illegal for me to donate to your fine campaign. But let me buy some of that very attractive stock of yours. It looks like such a great investment! Best of luck in your Presidential campaign comrade Trump.

Louisiana Governor Huey Long had his famous deduct box. If you wanted to play ball, in Louisiana, you first had to make a donation to the deduct box. Where that money went afterwards was none of your concern.

Truth Social is Donald Trump’s deduct box. His slush fund disguised as a media company. Scamming the rubes as the rubes defend Donald Trump from charges of being a scammer. There are two converging lines on a graph. On one line is the Truth Social stock price. On the other line is the time left until Donald Trump is able to sell his Truth Social stock and cash out. Surprise!

So, what the heck? You’re welcome! Join us at the picnic! You can eat your fill of all the food you bring yourself. – The Music Man

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