The Kool-Aid Test

By David Glenn Cox

If I were to say to you one time the elections are all fixed. I might plant a seed of doubt in your mind. If I started a campaign, where I said it and all my friends said it and said it all the time. You might begin  wondering how they ever got elected with such crooked elections. But eventually you would come to believe them. Then you might ask yourself, why bother voting? After all, it’s all fixed by George Soros anyway.

Ted Cruz refuses to say if he would accept the outcome of the election, but only if he doesn’t win. If he wins the election, he is more than willing to accept the outcome without question. Trumpy say, monkey do! They all have to kiss the ring eventually. Ron DeSantis, the man who time wanted to forget came a slithering down to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring.

“Yes, your majesty, I am unworthy. Forgive me for my ambition sire. I’ll leave a copy of my resume on the desk on my way out, just in case.” But the news is “News” is Nikki Haley coming to kiss the ring. After Nikki Haley had campaigned on Donald Trump being unworthy of holding the office. So, was she lying when she said that or is she lying now?

It’s the Trump campaign chasing a laser pointer across the floor. The campaign knows intentionally or unintentionally, Nikki Haley had become a symbol of resistance to Donald Trump inside the Republican party. It became almost a code word, “Psst! I support Nikki Haley wink, wink.” The Trump campaign must suffocate any resistance inside the Party. Trump’s paranoia demands it.

So here comes Nikki on her bended knees falling in line and kissing the ring. And now, they worry the Haley supporters once in motion will remain in motion, and continue on out the door and across the street.

 “We see you haven’t voted yet. Your voting record is public, “Your neighbors are watching and will know if you miss this critical runoff election. We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote. You can’t afford to have that on your record.”- The America First Conservatives Election Department (Texas)

Big Brother is watching you! Well, he’s not watching you exactly. He’s busy, but we are! Like Jimmy Stewart in that Alfred Hitchcock movie. And we’ll tell him what you’ve been up to. Then you’ll get it! Now, why six months out do they feel compelled to threaten their own supporters? (Other than it just being Texas) Because they fear the fifth column and the disloyalty from within. They fear the propaganda drip is too strong and they will stay home.

Sure, Nikki says she supports us but does she really? The paranoia is completely understandable. If you had half as many associates turn state’s evidence or cop a plea on you as Donald Trump, you wouldn’t trust anyone either. Check her for a wire!

In recent polling, 56% of Americans say Trump is probably guilty in his “hush money” trial. 93% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans. There is that damn number again! That same 22% number who voted for Nikki Haley. So, it would appear the Trump campaign doesn’t have a Nikki Haley problem as much as it has a REALITY problem. Non-Kool Aid drinkers line up here!

I would wager the 20% don’t believe the election was stolen either and don’t believe Donald Trump won. The 20% who don’t believe Trump is the newborn king. The 20% of Republicans lashed to the mast who can hear the siren’s song but know it for what it is.

Just a coincidence? The same number of Republicans who think Trump’s guilty also supported Nikki Haley? Just a coincidence. It appears Trump has captured around 80% of the Republican vote and that number will not do at all. Trump won’t get elected to anything but to go on home with that number.

Here is the conundrum the Republicans face. This 20% of the herd isn’t drinking the Kool Aid. They believe Trump is probably guilty of the crimes and won’t vote for him because he’s either too criminal or too crazy. Every time Donald Trump mouths off saying something crazy, he loses them. They want to be reassured Donald Trump’s not off his nut and they get no peace.

Donald Trump is trying to save his money and so runs a bare bones campaign. Why rent a hall when you can just say something outrageous? FREE MEDIA ATTENTION! FREE! Why does anyone listen to anything Donald Trump says? “I’ve seen aliens wearing Bikinis! When I’m elected, I’m going to execute everyone named Phillip! When I’m elected President, the stop lights will always be green!” He says these things for shock value alone. It encourages his minions and inflames his opponents. “Did you hear what Donald Trump said? That’s it, that’s the last straw! Until next week anyway.

It is a pretty ramshackle organization and pieces of it are already beginning to fall off. After threatening to build camps, unify the Reich and execute people, what’s left? All of the “A” listers are gone and all the high-profile celebrity hangers on are all gone as well. This the last lap barefoot around the septic tank and designed only for the true believers. Rather than modify his positions to attract supporters. Trump will instead modify his supporters to attract his opinions.

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ― Mark Twain

About 80% of  them anyway.

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