Dunning – Kruger, They Make Motorcycles, Don’t They?

By David Glenn Cox

Do you ever get the feeling dark sinister forces were out there to destroy the world from the inside. To take earth down to the grave so stealthily and cleverly, the rest of the cows wouldn’t even notice. But you noticed, you’re smarter than the average bear.

Secret forces are out to do secret things mere chess pieces moved around the globe from far, far away. Far above our pay grades, secret things go on. Rituals and incantations in smart town penthouses and mountain aeries all designed to bring down the world.

Secret societies and corporate entities, all with sinister intent. The government is out to get you! They’ve enlisted 50,000 IRS agents to come to your house and take your guns. Because when the Apocalypse comes…and come it will. We want to be ready with a basement full of dehydrated beans after converting all my cash to gold bars and be ready. Ready with 20,000 rounds  of ammunition to defend my second Amendment rights!

The unvaccinated certain it was all a plot by big pharma in the first place to take legal possession of your DNA. To alter your DNA and make you a George Soros cyborg, legally owned by Dow Chemical with no will of your own. Plus, it could make you magnetic! That’s so they can find you and watch you at night with satellites and you won’t ever know!

So devilishly clever, as to take the long approach of corruption through the public schools and the printed page. That’s right! Without books about alternate lifestyles there would be no alternate lifestyles…right? It’s all a plot, isn’t it? When all we really ever needed was some bleach, the Bible and some lightbulbs.

Damn, don’t let those know-it-all scientists confuse you with a bunch of facts and figures malarky. You never really know who those scientists really are and who they are working for. It’s all a plot! First, they vaccinate you and then they give your kid dirty books! They really want to warp his or her or hers or his mind into an electric car driving, tree hugging liberal! Once DOW owns your DNA, they can sell it to North Korea or Iran.

It is the party of fear.

Immigrants don’t come to this country to build a better life for themselves anymore, like your great grandparents did. Now they come around just to sell drugs take your job and fuck things up. It’s all a plot, you know. It’s a devious plot by the one worlders to replace all the white people with brown people. After the white people had subjugated all the red people and made themselves comfortable, they want to shut the door behind themselves, because immigration is bad!

These people are afraid of change and see change as a weapon being used against them. Climate change is all a plot. You can’t depend on facts and figures when there are space lasers and poor forest management techniques  to be considered. That’s why we’re having those forest fires. It’s those scientists with their fancy books and computers, at it again!

Up to no good! You know, Covid-19 was a bioweapon that got loose or was let loose by the Chinese. Because, because you make up something! It was all a plot between Hillary Clinton, the Red Chinese, and the CIA. They want your DNA! They want to take legal title to your DNA through international corporate entities and legalese.

It is the first rule of a good cult or authoritarian society. There must be enemies! Lots and lots of enemies, surreptitiously out to destroy society. Goldstein or Hillary Clinton, the world’s most successful serial killer. She’s alleged to have killed hundreds yet has never even been called in for questioning. And only the cult can see the truth.  Hunter Biden’s laptop. We stand shoulder to shoulder against the devil friend! And the devil can be anyone friend, even you!

So says the imbecilic apostolic nihilist crowd, “Jesus is coming! Look busy!” Don’t worry about nothing but your soul! Jesus will fix everything! Don’t do your homework, maybe it will snow! Darwin is the devil! The world’s going to hell in a handbasket ever since they took prayer out of the public schools.

Boycott elevators, until they bring back elevator operators!

These comic books need a code! This CD needs a warning label! That show shouldn’t be on television! That book shouldn’t be in the library! Why? Because the people need to be protected from alternative lifestyles and alien thoughts. Those poor people aren’t as smart as you and I and must be protected from themselves with our ancient, accrued wisdom. Let’s bring back those good old days that never really were. Ozzie & Harriet with David and Ricky. Square dancing and taffy pulls and Friday nights at the Drive in.

It isn’t political philosophy as much as a psychological manner of being. Of seeing the glass as neither half empty nor half full but seeing the glass as theirs to do with as they please. Of being perpetually afraid and under attack by the modern world.

There’s a war on Christmas, ya know! The one worlders want us to say “Happy Holidays” to be inclusive, but really just to make Jesus weep. “Oh Jesus, we pray. Make it 1962 again! Turn back the evil hands of time.  Give us back our V-8 Oldsmobiles and our 19 inch television sets Lord. Turn our schools back to McGuffey readers! Dick and Jane are corporate creations copyrighted by the Pope. Dunning – Kruger, they make motorcycles, don’t they?

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future”. – John F. Kennedy

4 Thoughts

  1. There’s trouble right here in River City. And that’s Trouble with a capital T…. ….
    Tell you what I’m gonna’ do…….
    The iambic pentameter of the Music Man. I can see him on stage quoting this article. I heard it while reading this stunningly accurate article, but then I’m smarter than the average bear, Yogi….. Thanks, I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Outstanding piece of writing today sir. You have smashed the nail on its head with a 20 lb sledge. I don’t know how you do it every day, but am so glad you do! I have to go figure out once again how to send you money! Thanks and be safe. There are dangers you can’t even imagine out there!

    Liked by 1 person

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