Robot Wars

By David Glenn Cox

It is all very Orwellian with fleets of Kamikaze drones and rocket bombs. All against a backdrop of flickering yellowing historical images. This is a new kind of war. An unmanned attack with swarms of flying robot droids. Then the computers take over and plot the air defense in milliseconds, firing return interceptor missiles. The cheap droids are sent by the hundreds in hopes of depleting the air defense before the uber expensive missile time comes, infantry before cavalry.

Then, straight off the pages of Orwell. Iran announces ala Big Brother in robes with a fanfare of trumpets, “The war is now over! Thank you for your prompt attention! Our anger is now satiated. You may resume your normal life.” But wait a minute Rocky Rococo, who says the war is over? Sort of a premature ejaculation, don’t you think? Imagine just punching someone and then saying, “There, now we’re even.” I somehow seriously doubt that would be the end of it.

There is also a question of piracy on the high seas. Iran has seized a cargo ship belonging to an Israeli billionaire. Retaliation is one thing, but government sponsored piracy on the high seas is something else entirely. Iran has also done their Sabre-rattling dance threatening to close the straits of Hormuz again. But gee, I thought the war was now over?

It has been many moons since a standing government used piracy on the high seas as a foreign policy. Harkening back to the days of Barbary pirates and Sir Francis Drake. Theft as a government policy. Once again holding an innocent civilian crew hostage. But holding hostages, that goes all the way to the Middle Ages. I guess we can’t bomb them into the fifteenth Century until they get there. Piracy? Taking hostages? 21st Century?

Iran fired off an impressive array of disposable weaponry last night. Could they do it again? How many of those drones do they have available in the warehouse? If/when Israel responds the shoe will be on the other foot and the Mullahs will have to play defense when they are only geared for offense. Fresh from the headlines: Ukraine destroys Russian oil infrastructure. Who else has vulnerable oil infrastructure?

An Israeli airstrike killed three Iranian generals. Generals Israel says were responsible for hundreds of rocket attacks from Southern Lebanon and Syria. Not just attacks on Israel, but also rocket attacks on US forces. That’s the modern way to fight! Find you some disgruntled third-world peasants. Knock the crust out of their mouths. Give them weapons, shoes and a few dollars and point them in the right direction. Tell em, Allah loves em.

You never know. Look how many Colonels and Captains, have walked across the world stage headed for tin pot dictatory. But these are the one-day wars, I sting you and you sting me. Then we go back to the way it was before, until we meet again next time. Modern wars, “All hail our glorious victory over East Asia!”

High-tech robot wars combined with dark ages thinking, go figure. It is something Star Wars missed entirely. There’s no religion to fight about. There’s no Space Pope or his holiness, the Reverend high Darth Vader to argue over. No Jesus, Mohammed or Moses.

The reasons and causes, the grievances and gripes become so entwined and intermeshed it is impossible to untie Gordian knot. No course that would bring Iran to the table. The regime in power stays in power by selling the old. “Everybody is out to get us and only we can protect you from the wolves hiding in wait, out in the dark woods.” Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Our society is so great, we feel the need to ban and censor out everything we don’t think you’d like! We are protecting you from dangerous ideas and images! Just like the Outer limits, they control the picture, and they control the horizontal hold. God says so, that’s why! And God told me to tell you!  So, the Dagwoods beat their chests and pull at their hair chanting, “Death to Israel and death to America!” No differently than North Korea, except for a prophet instead of a fat boy. I can almost hear Winston Smith telling me all about it.

A Herculean effort of Israel, the UK, the US, and Jordanian fighter planes mauled the drone swarm along with the Iron Dome knocking down 99%.

A carefully calculated strike indeed, long on video visuals and short on effectiveness. Very pleasing to the folks at home while inflicting little actual damage. A successful public relations strike. But what now? Do we all go back to the status quo and wait for next time? Meanwhile, Iran goes on supplying missiles to Hamas and Hezbollah. The subterranean proxy war goes on and on forever.

Just like the book said it would, just goes on and on.

How to spot a rogue nation.

  1. Heavy censorship
  2. Victimhood
  3. Self-justification
  4. Violence
  5. Atrocities

“Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them.” ― Václav Havel

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