Frightened by the Reality

By David Glenn Cox

“Your honor, I ask the bank teller’s testimony and all video of the bank robbery be struck from the record as prejudicial to my client.”

Donald Trump’s attorneys have asked to block the testimony of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels in the Stormy Daniels/Michael Cohen hush money case. Block the testimony of the guy who wrote and passed the check and the testimony of the recipient of the check. What crime? See, there is no evidence of a crime. Something tells me that strategy is probably not going to work and is doomed to failure.

A strategy based on one foot in the bucket and the other foot on a banana peel. If that would work everybody would do it. “Your honor, I ask that all witnesses to the crime be blocked from testifying!” Stall, delay and then, stall some more. “Your honor, my client requests a freshly painted courthouse. With a better cell signal reception and more parking spaces with Pepsi machines in the lobby instead of those Coke machines.

It reminds me of what my baseball coach told me one time. He said, “If that’s your best pitch, you really don’t have a best pitch.” But that’s what you get for your legal dollars, buying time and kicking the can down the road. Trump knows if he wins the election the hush money case will be no biggy. And if he loses the election, it won’t matter anyway. But if he wins, expect Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen to be making little rocks out of big ones on a Louisiana prison road gang. “Need water boss!”

You don’t need to be Nostradamus to predict the future of Donald Trump. It was just 24 hours ago, I mentioned Donald Trump’s loose lips will sink ships and scare off donations. Ask and you shall receive; “Black people are so much on my side now because they see what’s happening to me happens to them,” – Donald Trump

Yes, it’s true; Donald Trump is now an oppressed minority group. The Orwellian irony is Trump is talking to White people about what Black people think. Speaking at (over) the Black Conservative Federation Trump told a largely Black audience a message of what White people wanted to hear. They love me in the hood! I’m the OG! I have a mugshot and they have a mugshot. It’s like twin sons from separate mothers! Yeah brother, the man’s been oppressing me too!”

Nothing quite says bi-polar like winning the South Carolina Primary then taking to social media bitching and complaining about all the court cases Trump faces. “Wow! The Mark Levin Show just showed how Unconstitutional and unfair the NYSAG CASE against me is, “A TOTAL HOAX — ELECTION INTERFERENCE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL!”

Wow, Mark Levin huh? Fox News huh?

Trump goes straight from the victory celebration back to the dungeon of despair and complaint. Up and coming down. Down and coming up. Donald Trump is so certain of his political position he laughs off his own victory. But so uncertain of his legal position he has to publicly complain about it for the 300th time of his total innocence of any and all charges.


Now realistically, what’s the point of Trump’s scribblings? I’m a victim! They’re picking on me! Any way that you cut it, it is not a message of strength. It’s a message of weakness, a message of January 6th. Come rescue me! Save me! They’re oppressing me!

Money talks as the Trump campaign took in (yes, took in) a paltry $13.8 million. While Joe Biden raised $42 million over the same period. Trump only has thirty million on hand in the campaign bank. That’s a paltry amount once you consider the amount which must be appropriated to cover Trump’s blooming legal expenses. “There’s a hole in daddies’ arm where all the money goes.”

The Trump campaign raised and spent nearly a billion dollars last time around. This time around, the haul looks to be significantly less. Never believe any poll numbers that don’t have dollar signs in front of them. It’s fine to say you love Donald Trump and would lick the footsteps where he walked. But let’s see you write the check. Let’s see you spend your bingo and hard liquor money on Donald Trump. “Ah, ah, ah I’m a little short this week.”

97% of the Biden donations were less than $200 and made by 420,000 separate donors. That’s better than a three to one lead over Trump. But there’s no excitement to be raised with the headline “Trump Campaign’s Financial Flop!” Rather “Polling Shows Trump ahead of Joe Biden!” That’s how you sell newspapers!

It appears using the same financial expertise which made Donald Trump famous, his campaign has spent more money this month than they took in. Anybody surprised? Trump had RNC chair Ronna McDaniel bumped off, is anybody surprised? Trump put his daughter in-law in charge and she promises ALL the money will go directly to Donald Trump. Why, those big donation checks should be rolling in here any day now.

The gibbering simians will buy flags and hats and gold lame sneakers with American flags on the sides, but that won’t get the job done. Heaven doesn’t want him and hell’s afraid he will take over. As Trump’s crack addict attention span frightens the very people who would normally write those big checks. They don’t like Joe Biden, but Donald Trump scares the living shit out of them.

Donald Trump won the South Carolina Primary with a turnout of only 23.34%. Who voted? The excitable partisans. Meaning in the general election, some will like Trump, and some will just stay home. Worn out from the constant drama and frightened to death by the possible reality.

“Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” ― Harry S Truman

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