Worshiping an Empty Chair

By David Glenn Cox

When it rains, it pours. Et tu Rudy? Hot on the heels of Donald Trump being sued by his Truth website business partners. Rudolph the red-nosed mayor is being pressured by his creditors to dig up assets. Insisting he go through his “slow pay” accounts one more time. And sue Donald Trump for the $2 million he’s been billed, but never paid.

Donald Trump does have a valid point here. Two million dollars for “Four Season’s Rudy?” Two million dollars for “It’s five o’clock somewhere?” Cracker Jack legal opinions generated by Rudy & Jack Daniels. Rudy doesn’t want to sue Trump. Caveat emptor because being in the Trump camp is Rudy’s last positive vestige of public acclaim.

Another one bites the dust. “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.” – Dean Wormer

From Michael Cohen to Mike Lindell, watch how they come, and they go. Trump CFO Allen Wieselberg pleads guilty to Perjury charges and is headed off to Riker’s Island for a five month stay. Loyal to the end and well satisfied with his $2 million severance package.

Now, Trump wants Karl Rove off the Fox News payroll. Rove is not considered loyal enough for Trump. “You’re loyal comrade, but are you loyal enough?” Rove is a Bush Republican and not a Trump Republican. Ronna McDaniel wasn’t a Trump Republican either. Watching as cell-by-cell, Trump takes full control over the body of the Republican Party.

A cultish paranoia where only Trump loyalists can be trusted in positions of authority. A Party where everybody smiles, but not everybody really means it. Trump smells the subversion and seeks minders inside the Party. Because maybe they aren’t really working for us hard enough.

Paranoia, it’s just paranoia. The cult meets the Republican Party. Trump promises to purge the Party of all of the “Romneys.” At last count, there was only one known Romney in government. But Trump is using Romney as interchangeable with Goldstein. All who oppose Donald Trump are Romneys or Goldsteins. The big tent with the tiny little door. You must be at least this high or this low to enter.

Many suspect Donald Trump will use the party treasury as his personal legal cash cow. A political gigolo installing his daughter in-law in charge who then promises to funnel all donations directly to Donald Trump. Because that’s what “Everybody” in the Republican Party wants! But only one opinion is allowed. EVERYBODY wants their donations to the RNC to go directly to Donald Trump, Right? (Heads bob up and down slowly)

But the money comes slowly, and the reason is obvious. The cult meets the Republican Party in a showdown. Trump is sidling up to Elon Musk for money and Musk is just about dumb enough to give it to him. Musk sells electric cars and Trump is anti-electric cars. Musk sells green energy products while Trump is anti-green energy products. Space X depends on government projects, does Musk really want to put such power over his livelihood into the hands of Donald Trump?

Nikki from Sunshine Valley wins the Vermont primary for the Tupperware Party. See! It wasn’t a fluke! In small groups among a well-educated populace Nikki is a viable candidate. The cult vs. the Party with some Republicans afraid Trump will lose and some afraid Trump might win. A lingering fear inside the Republican Party that Trump could implode and go nuclear. He cannot be trusted to stay on message. As goes the Presidency, so goes the Party and the Party fears, it goes down the tubes.

Then just like that on the heels of her historic victory; Nikki suspends her campaign. Was it ever really real or just Performa? Was Nikki just some palooka needed to spar a few rounds with the champ before going down in the third round. Or was Nikki genuinely representing the old guard Republicans and fighting for the soul of the Party?

And now the path for Donald Trump is clear. He’s free to focus on his legal issues full time now. There is less need for campaign funding. But what will Trump do to fill in the time? How will he maintain the enthusiasm? The upcoming Republican convention in Milwaukee sounds like it is going to be a real snooze fest.

Five full nights of the “I love Donald Trump Cult Road Show!” Complete with clips and highlight reels against a monotonous backdrop dripping red, white and blue. With only the nominee’s speech and running mate selection being of any importance. Trump’s speech sharing his vision for America should be one for the ages. An exclamation point as the Republicans slam the door of history as they depart the stage.

Donald Trump is significantly less popular today than he was in 2020 where he lost the Presidential election. He will lose again, and the Republican Party will wake up that November morn with the wreckage of the Trump Party around their ears. A Party treasury milked dry and a down ballot starved and badly beaten. A Party led by those chosen for their loyalty and not for their judgement. The boss makes all the decisions. What happens when the boss is gone?

A Trump Party without a Trump. When Trump loses this time, it’s forever! The sell by date for Donald Trump is November 5th. After that point, Trump reverts to an aging overweight opinionated painted tub of goo unfit for human consumption. Where do Republicans go from there?

What would a conviction do to Trump, or would it do anything at all in the eyes of the cult? The new martyr crucified with nails of corrupted justice. However, most cults suffer a loss in attendance once the cult leader departs the scene. It’s just not the same without a Fuehrer. It’s just not the same, worshiping an empty chair.

But if Donald Trump were secretly a space alien, he could drop the human shape shifting any time now and appear in his native alien form. The monkey house mob wouldn’t care. “I don’t care even if he does have eight hairy legs and one hundred compound eyes. He still represents my values! He’s accepted Jesus as his lord and savior, and he defends the unborn. He believes in small government! And he won’t take my guns away!”

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