The Siren Song of the Orange Ape

By David Glenn Cox

Experience shows; if your opponents are vocal, juvenile, and boisterous, give them the floor. You would expect by now Republicans would have figured it out, but no. Marge Trailer Park Greene shows up for a formal Congressional meeting in a baseball cap and warm up jacket. Accoutrements emblazoned with Donald Trump logos and slogans. Just in case anyone watching the shenanigans forgets that Marge Trailer Park Greene is a Trump supporter. Like a kid going to Disneyland in mouse ears Marge always has to say, “LOOK AT ME!”

Joe lures them in with talk about his border bill. The Republicans hoot, holler, and grumble as a group. Giving the President the field, “You don’t like my bill?” The negative vocalizations grabbing everyone’s attention and giving the President a perfect opportunity to accurately frame the Republicans.

It doesn’t matter what’s in the bill. It doesn’t matter who wrote it. Joe laid out little pieces of cheese and the Republicans walked right into the trap. Making it clear to the sentient Republicans are simply playing politics on a kindergarten level. They would gladly go down with the ship before they would try to help Joe Biden. They would let the house burn to the ground before they would call the fire department and help Joe Biden.

Doing NOTHING is better than helping Joe Biden! Republicans screaming from morning to night about the crises at the border. Then when an opportunity comes along where they might could make the situation some better. Republican membership shows their backsides and their true colors to the American people. Biden uses their own misbehavior to call them out. “You don’t like my bill?”

Joe has a solution and Republicans have a complaint…masterful.

You know, back in the days of civilized government; the Republicans would have sat there stone silent listening to Joe Biden. When Joe said, “You don’t like my bill?” He would have been greeted with the sound of crickets. The issue could then be ignored and avoided. But by the Republicans making a Gong show event out of it, they draw attention to the issue and make a spectacle of themselves.

Joe Biden is clearly on the campaign trail and pinned the Republican’s ears back. Calling them out on the border and calling them out in front of history and everybody.

“My predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth of January 6th. I will not do that.  This is a moment to speak the truth and bury the lies. And here’s the simplest truth. You can’t love your country only when you win.”

Squeaker of the House Mike, phallic euphemism dispensed with announcing he had historic “ high honor and distinct privilege” of introducing the President. Because he’s a petty little man who thought that maybe one more petty little slight, might just do the job. Forgetting, the President was an invited guest into the chamber. He’s a guest invited to give his ideas to the Congress, and they misbehave like middle schoolers on a field trip.

On the issue of Abortion, succinct; “My God, what freedoms will you take away next?”Masterful! Just think about that statement for a moment and let it soak in. Just at look what they’ve done! And now, just imagine what they are capable of doing! Joe Biden accurately condensed the presidential race into one sentence.

Do you want crazy? Do you want to live in an upside-down world? Screw being the leader of the free world, let’s someone else do it! Let the dictators, and potentates have their little conquests. You can’t see it from my house. Nobody is shooting at me! My freedom isn’t in jeopardy, except from Joe Biden’s big government overreach.

Those who fail to learn from the lessons of history are doomed to be called Republicans. Biden called the Republicans out on their failure to support Ukraine. Putin is not finished in Europe as he stirs the pot in Moldova. Putin’s only hope is to expand the battlefield and further destabilize Europe. Republicans hide under their desks in a cowardly show damaging American credibility around the world.

Juvenile small minds playing for the end of the month instead of the end of the Century. Stunting and playing with people’s lives for a headline at home or abroad. A shameful position grandstanding for votes without really giving a shit about doing much of anything.

Marge Trailer Park Greene wore a button and told Joe Biden to say her name. A woman murdered on the University of Georgia campus by an illegal immigrant. Seized upon by Trailer Park Greene to demonize all migrants. Using this woman’s murder to score political points. Yet when offered an opportunity to change things shouts “BOO! Hiss! BOO! BOO! BOO! No, no, no way!

The Republican Party is sleepwalking towards a cliff entranced by the siren song of the Orange Ape and ignoring reality. But the people WITH money don’t ignore reality. Why is the Trump campaign having money troubles? Because the contributors do see reality.

In a bit of irony, the former Ron DeSantis criticized Nikki Haley for not endorsing Donald Trump. Saying, “You signed a pledge!” Forgetting Republicans also signed a pledge to defend the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. If they aren’t willing to follow that a pledge, any pledge  to support Donald Trump is pretty insignificant.

 “We cannot negotiate with people who say what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.” ― John F. Kennedy

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