Dancing on the Head of a Pin

By David Glenn Cox

It is part and parcel of some governments to live their life full of fiery rhetoric to try and stir up the minds of the home folks. Little rocket boy comes to mind along with the Ayatollahs in Iran. “We return you now to our weekly “Death to America” broadcast, already in progress.” Vladimir Putin threatens Western Europe with destruction on just about a nightly basis. Putin threatens to put nukes in orbit in a nuclear blackmail scheme.

A scheme to threaten to detonate a bomb amongst the satellites. Not to kill anybody, but the costs are too high to imagine, setting the world back thirty years. “That’s a real nice satellite you got there. Be a damn shame if something bad happened to it.” But 99% of all this stuff is produced to fire the home folks. You have to pay attention, but you also have to take it all with a grain of salt. A few months back, the Russian’s were going to let the nuclear plant meltdown.

They blew up the dam and blew up the pipeline. These people clearly aren’t playing with all fifty-two. Like Donald Trump they can only bring attention on themselves by saying something troubling. “Watch me get a rise out of em.” Flogging an otherwise dead horse or movement. “Death to America!” How passe. “We hate you this much!”

Several weeks ago, the Polish Prime Minister mentioned sending troops into Ukraine to help with logistics. Who believes that? An incredibly slippery slope certain to turn out badly. It froze the room for a moment before they all looked away and went about their business. The Czech Republic is acting as a clearing house for ammunition for Ukraine. Do you feel it? Do you feel the change in the wind? What was once off the table and unthinkable is now on the table and very thinkable.

French President Macron points his finger at Russia. Saying under certain circumstances France will send combat forces to Ukraine to fight on the front line. Whoa! What? Macron says, If the Russians were to advance on Kyiv or Odessa. Both are highly unlikely scenarios. But diplomatically Macron is drawing a line in the sand. Under these certain circumstances France goes to war. There may also be other circumstances, fuck around and find out.

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? After two years of war, the Russian military doesn’t look so tough anymore. Beaten down and beaten up held together with convicts, spit and glue stubbornness and incompetence. Stuck in a quagmire burning through men and equipment at a ferocious rate. But for Putin, letting go of Ukraine is letting go of his dream of an empire. Putin knows there will never be another chance for him. This is it, all, or nothing.

Who remembers World War One? With European countries siding up in military alliances? Never mind. A Moscow supported breakaway region of Moldova is asking for Russian support expanding the war towards the Balkans.  

This is a slippery situation made more dangerous by the lack of support due to Republican foot dragging in the house. If the US military aid was flowing to Ukraine, would there be the same sense of urgency? There is a real fear of stalemate or even loss in Ukraine. Turning our backs on our friends in a time of need. That’s real Republican leadership! Who remembers, “Freedom Fries?”

House Republicans have their reasons for withholding aid to Ukraine. They figure by starving Ukraine they can make Joe Biden look bad during an election year. What could go wrong? It probably won’t be a world war, just regional, unless of course, it happens to go nuclear.

But as soon as France becomes a combatant, what happens next? Will US troops in Germany be put on standby alert? You bet they will! And if the French ask for help? You bet!

Earlier this week, a motorcade carrying Ukrainian President Zelensky, and the Greek Prime minister was  near missed by a Russian missile. WHAT IF? What if a dead NATO head of state? So many triggers and so many itchy trigger fingers.

“Hey look, it’s the ArchDuke Ferdinand!”

Imagine a shooting war in Central Europe with NATO members involved all to make Joe Biden look bad. But what should we expect from a Party that gives us Katie Britt? Remember, she practiced that speech over and over diligently, it wasn’t done cold. “How was that?” Perfect Katie! An up-and-coming bright light in the Republican cosmos.

A stumbling bumbling collection of frat boys and ner do wells dancing on the head of a pin. Never have so few done so much to so many, by doing nothing at all. Making no decision is making a decision and once that decision is made you can’t complain about the outcome… you had your chance.

“It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.”― Winston S. Churchill

Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war,
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial. – William Shakespeare

4 Thoughts

  1. Twas another pleasure Mr David Glenn Cox twin dogs myself or rather should I say to indulge myself in what I would call, your stand alone recounting truths in the world of politics. Your writing style brings to my life things I never knew existed but feel much like a better person I didn’t know I could be through what I’m discovering. Things that only you can point out.

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