Designs of Conquest

By David Glenn Cox

News Flash: The Department of Defense is proud to announce to one and all and any who happen to be listening. The F35A2 stealth fighter jet is now “officially” capable of carrying nuclear weapons. This advanced stealth fighter with over a thousand copies in our inventory went into service in 2015. And is only now being tested? I don’t think so. Sell that soap to someone else.

Back when this aircraft was still just a concept in some engineer’s twisted little mind, they knew it would carry a nuke. That’s part of the mission, that’s the point. If you can deliver a nuke on the enemy’s capital before he knows what hit em, you’re one up. So why do they tell us now?

Vladimir Putin says he’ll put a nuke in space! The US answers, we’ll put a nuke in your lap and the first you’ll know of it will be the flash. A little friendly piece of propaganda dropped for the benefit of anyone listening. “Oh, by way… guess what we can do.”

It’s there if you look for it, but it’s a story about Europe. Most Americans know Wimbledon, Formula One and the Eiffel Tower. It’s not their fault as for a lot of Americans Europe is as remote as the surface of the moon. Buckingham Palace or the Coliseum in Rome, where that crazy man in the white robes resides. If anyone should consider surrendering, it’s the Pope. The asylum is open 24 hrs.

There are things going on, and things are setting up. Those of us old enough to remember the “coalition of the willing” should remember the format. First, a world crisis. Then diplomacy behind the scenes. Then the build up and then the attack.

Rather than walk back comments about France sending troops to Ukraine. The French Foreign minister went further by saying all options are on the table. Maybe we need a good reason to kick your ass and then again, maybe we don’t. All while the foreign minister was shuffling between European capitals building a coalition. Getting their ducks in a row and ammunition supplies coordinated and sorted out. It’s later than we think.

Sounds like France is sending troops and just looking for an excuse for that to happen. “Knock this chip off my shoulder, make a crack about my beret. I dare you!” Let’s see if equipment starts moving and aircraft start flying. A noticeable uptick in activity. In the absence of American financial power, Europe will go it alone, and who needs you?

That’s my case for better history education in our schools. A mad European dictator at war with an innocent country. A protracted meat grinder of a trench war with little movement. Americans contemplating their navels and unable to look around shouting “America First.”  No Jessica, history doesn’t repeat itself.

The message of Donald Trump and the Republicans isn’t lost on the Europeans as we move into the undependable and untrustworthy camp of allies. They will do it alone, just like last time, only with nukes in the equation.

Obviously for a NATO force commander looking at the military situation. It would seem an easy task to sweep the beleaguered Russian troops out of Ukraine, like so many boy scouts. Ukraine flies’ drones deep into Russian territory unmolested! Enter the DOD’s comment about the F35A2 stealth fighter being nuclear capable. Sleep tight! Sweet dreams!

Then comes the disjointed and ham-handed comment by the Pope. Way to go Francis! Set your denomination back a decade or so without even being asked! The back-channel talk must be crazy right now. The Pope’s comment might have some relevance to something not known to the public. Or the old boy is just off his nut and ready for a ride in the Popemobile down to the old Popetorium.  

French President Macron said, “ There are no more red lines, there are no more limits.”

The Russian’s react to the French comments as you would expect, “No more Red lines for France.” So there! Whatever that means, but it’s obviously not good. This is what they are saying publicly, imagine the back chat we don’t hear.

France is saying they will not let Russia win the war. No way and no how. It could mean a general war in Europe. The only way to break a stalemate is to expand the battlefield. Putin is trying to expand the war into Moldova for the same reason. Trying to open a new front in the war.

Just as in the first World War, the war to end all wars.(Weren’t they optimistic and naive) The combatants are tired and unable to make any headway. Without Western support, the war could go on indefinitely or until the Russians use their demographic advantage to grind Ukraine into submission, beating them with clubs.

From the beginning of the conflict, Vladimir Putin has framed this as a war with NATO and maybe, he’s right about that. Russian tanks rolling into a European country unannounced with designs of conquest. Precisely why NATO was created in the first place. To shut down any mad dictator before they get started.

If a story is important, you’ll see it on the news. If the story is very important, you might not. A war of back-channel words written in propaganda and red lines. The real fear is Russia post Putin. As the surviving Russian gang members would likely jockey for position fighting over the scraps. “You break it, and you’ve  bought it!”

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”― Sun tzu

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