I Am the Walrus

By David Glenn Cox

Surprise, there are NATO soldiers in Ukraine! BUT! There are NATO soldiers in Ukraine and then again, there are NATO soldiers in Ukraine. The biggest non-news story of the day. The Polish Prime Minister came right out and said it, but I think his meaning was lost some in the translation.

Not assault brigades, but perhaps technicians working on Patriot missile batteries. It’s not like running the laundromat, it does require more than a couple of weeks of training. And then there are the others… the people in civilian clothes they refer to as Colonel or Captain.

Years ago, during what came to be called Iran/Contra a friend of mine worked at the local airbase. He told me about these mysterious figures who seem to be in charge, but nobody seemed to know who they were. Anyway, they were loading crates marked “Office Equipment” scheduled for delivery to San Antonio, Texas, into C130 cargo planes without any of those pesky identification numbers on the tail. A 750-mile trip which should take about two hours took two days.

So, are NATO soldiers in Ukraine? The place is filthy with them, does Santa Claus like red? The real question or final red line to cross is trigger time. What’s the wise course here? Help from the sidelines all you can and sit back watch all the carnage as the two opponents bludgeon each other back into the 19th Century? How long can the world avoid not stepping in and putting an end to it.

The precedent is already there from the first Gulf War. Dictator invades neighbor on a pretext to steal natural resources. And the world did what? All I’m saying is don’t be surprised. We’re inching, nay sliding, towards the abyss.

By cutting military aid for Ukraine, House Republicans make US involvement in a shooting war much more likely. By adding in US unreliability only heightens the tension. Plus, there is the Trump factor to be considered. Many are not as convinced as I that Donald John Trump is on his last legs and puffing winded towards the barn.

Trump recently said through his butt buddy Hungary’s PM Orban. If elected, Trump wouldn’t give Ukraine a nickel. And then the war would end. See? If Roosevelt hadn’t begun Lend-Lease, WW2 never would have happened! Just give the bloody murderer whatever they want.

It is a clear sign of a cult acting against its own best interests. Trump can tell them anything, and the unwashed mob will ape along. Don’t bother trying to tell them it’s against eighty years of US foreign policy. Don’t bother explaining about the illegalities of Russia’s War crimes. The big ape said it and little apes can’t help but wet themselves and ape along.

As we remember from previous chapters Donald Trump wasn’t happy with the government in Kyiv. He simply asked them to fabricate some evidence against Joe Biden and they refused, so no soup for you! Plus, Trump’s favorite ruthless dictator wants Ukraine for his very own. And you just know Don can’t say no when Vlad calls.

Would Trump be that petty? You bet! Trump would have to work himself UP to being that petty. Like the Godfather, when he makes you an offer buddy, you’re on the hook. He remembers favors and avenges slights.

Trump’s verbal gaffes multiply and by convention time, Donald Trump could be speaking in full on infantile gibberish. “And if erected; I promise to Hamberder, hamberder, hamberder. You know one time! That’s how we solved that. I just want Barack Obama to know! We’re watching!”

There is a full court press going on trying to prop up this bloated bag of fecal criminal intelligence disintegrating before our very eyes. “Oh, what Donald Trump meant to say was…”

Here’s an interesting tid-bit, The Faith & Freedom pro Trump group intends to donate up to $62 million supporting the ape. “Intends” oh my, but that’s a mighty big word. I guess that means they don’t have the money yet. But they plan to solicit cardboard cutout Christians in 125,000 tax free churches into donating their hard-earned coin to support the Anti-Christ.

A big news article telling us all about what they’re “gonna do” once they get the money. When I get rich, I’ll buy everyone a new car…when I get rich. Of all of Donald Trump’s problems, none looms larger than the money problem. Some of the big Republican donors don’t think Trump can win while others fear the consequences if he did. In either case, it looks like a bad financial investment.

If you’re willing to let Russia have its way, why not China? Why not North Korea and Iran? Why not just let the strong crush the weak, what’s the harm in that? It was such a nice little civilization; I’m sure going to miss it.

There are times in history which seem to move imperceptibly slow. Then suddenly snap forward as we wonder how we got there. One-minute Republicans are investigating Hunter Biden with information gleaned from the fired prosecutor in Ukraine. And the next, helping to start World War Three at the behest of a gibbering idiot.

“…he who seeks to deceive will always find someone who will allow himself to be deceived.”
― Machiavelli Niccolo

“I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g’joob, goo goo goo g’joob
Goo goo g’joob, goo goo goo g’joob, goo
Joob, joob, jooba
Jooba, jooba, jooba
Joob, jooba
Joob, jooba”
– John Lennon

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