Stay My A** at Home

By David Glenn Cox

As Donald Trump follows into the footsteps of madness, he shrinks from a counter puncher to a bomb thrower. “They’ll be a bloodbath! Liz Cheney should be prosecuted! We should cut Social Security! Woops, I mean cut waste.” He’s crazy as hell, but not so far gone, as to stand corrected. “Oh no, I’d never cut your Social Security Grandma; you can trust me!” said the spider to the fly.

But Trump is spinning mired in a legal quagmire and it’s more than one feeble mind or two dozen Philadelphia lawyers can process. So, Trump always feels under attack and responds in his usual angry fashion. But as the speed increases, it only gets harder and harder for Trump to focus on his intended target. It also gets harder for the low octane simian simpletons to follow along. Like children with an ice cream cone the children don’t care about much, as long as they get their ice cream cone.

What the hell is he talking about? “Who cares, it’s Donald Trump! Maybe he’s going to increase the chocolate ration again or go to war with East Asia! Just ape along, stop asking questions and just be stupid.” The question or issue at hand is can Donald Trump keep the simians dancing with just bluster, accusation and bullshit? Like a senior citizen’s Jitterbug marathon, how long can he keep it up?

House Speaker Mike Penile Euphemism says, “Knock it off!” To Republican in fighting. When your Party is being taken over and chloroformed by a mad cult leader. The correct protocol is to smile a blank and humble smile and appear unconcerned. Of course, he didn’t mean Donald Trump. He can go on attacking fellow Republicans as before. But the rest of you lugs, quit it!

Trump promoting his latest revisionist history fantasy. In it, Trump had immediately called out the National Guard on January 6th , and Liz Cheney maliciously suppressed the evidence of Trump’s innocence. But riddle me this Batman; If those people convicted and sent to Federal prison are in Trump’s words patriot hostages. Why would he be in such a hurry to sic the National Guard on patriots having a friendly fun filled outing in the nation’s Capitol? Trump can’t have it both ways.

He’s crazy as hell, but not so crazy to not pick out a new victim, allegedly oppressing him. Liz Cheney is the leader of the Republican Party in absentia. Trump knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t have sad Ron DeSantis to kick around anymore or lightweight Nikki Haley. Trump always needs new conspirators out to get him convenient to ruffle the feathers of the inbred. “They’s all out to git him!”

Like a comet blazing across the heavens, Trump burns through associates and leaves behind a trail of broken careers. Michael Cohen, Alan Wieselberg, Bill Barr, Pete Navarro, Kelly Anne Conway and Rudy “Its five o’clock somewhere” Giuliani (America’s Alcoholic!) and the list just goes on and on without end. And yet, throughout all of Donald Trump’s legal peccadillos it has never once been Donald Trump’s fault. Never once has he said, “I’ve made some poor decisions in my multiple marriages and half a dozen bankruptcies.

 Okay, so maybe the University and the steak business and the airline weren’t such good ideas. Who talked me into this? They’re fired! How simple must you be to see Donald Trump as some sort of virgin Mary character walking through the cattle barn barefoot. It’s everyone around him! Everyone! Even his father and his children are crooks, but not him. That’s how you buy a cow with nothing but a handful of magic beans.

He’s crazy as hell, but Trump knows the Cheney camp is growing and his enemies are forming up against him. Now that Trump has clinched the nomination, he’s free to go after the perceived disloyal. There is a camp across the river which Trump can’t reach of the “Old Guard” AKA Non-Trumper’s living in Churchill’s wilderness and biding their time.

A sizable pie slice of the Republican electorate says “No” dooming the Trumptanic to Free ice water in every room. Trump needs 100% of the party behind him for any hope of winning the election. 60 or 75% just won’t do. A smart politician might try to woo the recalcitrant over, but we’re talking about Donald Trump here. Instead, Trump will make them his foil.

Trump only has one climbing gear – attack!

“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.  Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.” ― Sun Tzu

Choleric temper, arrogant, Check!

But not check or no, the check isn’t in the mail. The Trumpozoid true believers truly believe, but they don’t have the money. The people with money aren’t true believers. And they don’t trust Donald Trump with their money any farther than they can throw him. They suspect, reason and swanee that any dollar given to Trump will probably not be used as promised, and will disappear into the yawing sucking void.

Those with fingers to count on and heads to count understand the dilemma. Trump has divided the Republican Party into two opposing camps. And the money is on the other side of the street, because they don’t seriously believe Trump stands any chance of winning the election. And that any money given would be better spent pissing down a rat hole.

In a Republican election contest between Donald Trump and stay my ass at home. Donald Trump will be defeated in this election by his fellow Republicans.

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