Suppose You Were an Idiot

By David Glenn Cox

It would be easy enough to accept a pro-Russian cabal inside the US Congress. Officer Starsky of Ukraine calls the Conservatives Pro-Russian. Pro-Russian conservatives, Little Tucker flies to Moscow to give Vladimir Putin a hand job. And Putin says the west should stop funding Ukraine. Presto chango! Republicans are suddenly against supporting Ukraine. Well, that’s how it looks to outsiders anyway.

Israel sure, give them anything they want, if there are Bibles and votes involved. But Ukraine, in the name of good banking and sticking it to Joe Biden. Republicans suspended aid to Ukraine. Now a bridge falls into the river in Baltimore. Joe Biden says, “The Federal Government will pay the full cost of replacing the bridge.” Republicans howl! “What? Not so fast sweetheart!”

Some of the Republicans want Biden to take the money out of his infrastructure program. “What did you do with all the money I gave you two years ago?” Some want to investigate if it were some sort of terrorist plot and Hunter Biden’s whereabouts on the night in question.

Before the Marshall Plan was the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, it was called the Truman plan. But Truman was wise enough to understand the Republicans in Congress wouldn’t vote for anything with Truman’s name on it and suggested the name change personally. If Biden were wise, he should announce his Administration will work night and day to make sure that bridge is NEVER rebuilt. Congress would have a funding bill on his desk by the end of the week.

It just goes to illustrate that though the Republicans in Congress may appear to be in cahoots with our enemies, it’s not so. They are just Anti Everything. Living inside of a sucking vortex with wave after wave of tin noise machine. Whatever Joe Biden wants, I’m dead set against it!

Recently, Mike (Penial Euphemism)Johnson was slated for a ritual killing by Marge Trailer Park Queen Greene for his cooperation with the enemy in getting the budget bill passed. All the Trumpers and stumpers were gibbering and hopping around the fire hoping to shut the government down. So, the Republican Party could show conservatives in America just how much they really hate Joe Biden.

Now to outsiders it looks as if the Republican Party are full blown pro Putin. But to us who know them a little better, we understand. They aren’t really Pro Putin, they’re only insane. As unaware of what they do as children making mudpies in the creek and unaware of how they play with fire. It’s all fun and games until someone starts a damn World War.

By the big promises made in the beginning of the war to Ukraine and the US later shutting off the spigot as if it were requested by a foreign adversary. Let the word go forth to friend and foe alike! America can’t be trusted! We are a shitty, shitty ally! And because we shut off aid to Ukraine the rest of our long-time allies begin wondering just how committed the US is to the stability of Europe.

Those damn crazy stupid crazy Americans could elect Trump again. Then where would Europe be? The military aid cutoff raised the anxiety of the West and raised the spirits in Moscow. (Your tax dollars at work) See, these things that they do send messages. The Republicans in Congress don’t mean any harm, just gigging Joe Biden and watching after the taxpayer’s dime.

Estonia has asked the top Russian Orthodox Prelates to leave the country as a national security threat. The Russian church supports the Russian government part and parcel. The Russian Ambassador has been recalled from Estonia. Recently, a Russian missile crossed into Polish air space for 39 seconds. In response, NATO anti-aircraft systems have been moved forward towards the border and potentially could shoot down Russian aircraft while still in Russian territory.

Putin is saber rattling saying, “He would never attack NATO. But any airfields that host F16s headed for Ukraine are  legitimate targets.” That’s threatening NATO! Knock this chip off my shoulder! Step across this line! You’d better not; if you know what’s good for you.

France is already discussing what their military deployment will look like in Ukraine. The question of if and when they will enter Ukraine has largely been decided. The technicians and mechanics are already in Ukraine, so France is talking about much more. And the Russian’s promise they will kill every Frenchman entering Ukraine.

“Gee, we was only funning and fooling around. Just trying to stick it to Joe Biden. We didn’t mean no harm.”

It’s all a stunt and thrill show for Republicans. “Hmm, it’s raining outside. How can we blame this on Joe Biden?” Traditionally in a crisis or natural disaster, you send a note of sympathy and condolence. You know; those ever-popular thoughts and prayers so much in the news these days. But no, “I’m not going to pay for it! What’s Baltimore ever done for me?”

It doesn’t even have to make sense anymore, it’s a howling Husky opera baying at the moon. Or howling at anything which comes within their perception. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a good idea or a bad idea or not. The Republicans are against anything that Joe Biden approves of.

A dog and pony show of who can make the most outrageous statement and who can get the most camera time. “Look at me! Look at me! Damn you, Joe Biden!”

For many decades foreign policy was handled internally by Congress and criticism was said to end at the water’s edge. But not anymore! Now any two-bit tobacco chewing biscuit eating good ole boy turned Congressman. Can do their part to help to destabilize Europe and bring about the World War III, we’ve all been waiting for all these years.

Don’t hate them because these repugnant Republicans frolic with your children’s lives so carelessly. Hate them because they are just plain ignorant and refuse to learn.

“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself.” ― Harry S. Truman

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