The Cult is Bleeding Out

By David Glenn Cox

The irony is not in Donald Trump selling Bibles. The true irony is Donald Trump selling books. Selling books to people who rarely read. Selling gold lame sneakers that would make GQ gag to people who rarely play basketball. Selling products to the public Donald Trump himself never uses. There is an overselling of the brand to watch out for.

Donald Trump said this, and Donald Trump said that. Donald Trump is attempting to throw so much shit in the stew it will be impossible to see the true picture. Donald Trump is a bad man, duh. Here in Arizona, phony Trump electors just took the Fifth Amendment before the Grand Jury. So obviously, there is a perfectly simple explanation.

Phony electors, Trump lawyers and Trump cronies going to court, jail or just losing their licenses before going to jail. The message filters through the slurry levels of Newspeak. Fox News might not tell them so, but the message of January 6th was not lost on the proles. Jail time and financial ruin is a concept easily understood among all classes.

I tried to warn the Trump campaign not to bump off all the faux competition too quickly. But would they listen to me? It leaves nothing else to talk about in the campaign except for Trump’s legal morass. Trump makes his Presidential campaign about his legal problems. Singing the “Poor Me” song over and over. Promising, if elected, retribution and retaliation. That’ll help woo the undecided!

We are a long way from “Build the Wall” here. Trump is talking about camps and mass deportations. One message is light, xenophobic and relatable, while the other message is dark and foreboding. “Build the wall! Build the wall!” Mass deportations! Mass deportations! See? It just doesn’t roll off the tongue the same way. It’s no fun anymore.

Dry court case here and dull testimony there. Hush money and gag orders and appeals. Angry judges and lawyers sparring back and forth about the finer points of the law. This is a different Trump campaign from last time, will it sell? Does the low IQ voter really want to spend the next six months watching Trump Court TV? All with a sense of inevitability, too many cases to win even one. Trump is fighting a retreating rear guard action. Stall, delay, appeal repeat.

One by one there are more empty seats noticed in the tabernacle and the money take is way down. Not mass defections, but a noticeable thinning of the herd. Phony electors taking the fifth, people going to jail along with a growing cadre of discontented Republican voices. The bible might have been a bridge too far.

Trump risks becoming his own Meme. The Aflac duck, or the Burger King. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. What’s he selling this week? “And won’t you just look at how this Donald Trump Kitchen knife cuts through that tomato. Isn’t that amazing?”  Say, are you looking for a great auto warranty? Friends, have you ever considered a reverse mortgage? With the Trump CD club, you get twelve CDs of your choice for just one penny. When you promise to buy twelve CDs at the regular club price of just $199.95 each!

Republicans have lost the popular vote in the last four consecutive Presidential elections. And election number five isn’t looking likely to break the trend. Trump has broken the Republican Party beyond repair. He’s cleaved off his piece of the crazy. The Republicans risk becoming a regional party rather than a national.

As Bubba and Doofus do their best to ban books or control women’s bodies in the Confederacy, they kill the Party for the book learned. In the parts of Republican country more money obsessed rather than Bible thumping obsessed, the crazy talk is a real deal breaker. Election denial isn’t a platform, it’s an excuse. So, either come up with new and more interesting lies or go home.

Has a sense of defeatism overtaken the Trump campaign? The absence of contributor dollars means that the contributors don’t like the message. Or perhaps they are just exhausted by the same message, “won’t you please help?”

Trump’s legal issues and his strong-arm takeover of the Republican Party apparatus defeats itself. Trump will get the lion’s share of all the money raised, only there will be a lot less of it raised.

But how will Trump’s legal conundrum carry on and on and on in low consciousness theater? In a word, It’s boring. An angry vexatious Trump snarling and barking at the world. Just like last week and the week before that.

So of course, Trump trolls the judge’s daughter pushing the limit on the gag order to get media attention. Why can’t  he tell lies about the judge’s family? Trump would love nothing better than to be sanctioned by the judge. This is Trump throwing his turds trying to excite the monkey house. How will Trump excite the monkey house tomorrow or next week or the week after that?

This is it. This is all he’s got,  a poor me defense. More of the same with an audience that requires constant stimulation. The Newspeak media will do their best to polish up this Trump turd. But it’s too late now. Too much has occurred now for them to say, it just ain’t so. If it ain’t so, why are so many Trumpers looking at prison time?

The cult is bleeding out.

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