World? What World?

By David Glenn Cox

Please excuse me while I ignore the war(s) knowing we shall all pay somehow. Higher gas prices or lower stock prices. Anxiety and an unstable economy driven by unstable fuel prices. Israel struck at Iran after Iran had struck at Israel, after Israel had struck at Iran after Iran had struck at Israel. It’s not a new war, it’s just a new theater of an old war. A long twilight war, a proxy war rearing its ugly head and flaming into a first-person war.

Now you can blame Israel, or you can blame the Mullahs in Iran. But don’t for God’s sake, blame the American legislators playing hacky sack with the military aid bills. One Republican Congressman described it as “Greene Theater.” Referring to all mouth and a yard wide Marge Traitor Greene. Another described it as “diddling” while people die. Nature abhors a vacuum, political, moral or cranial.

If you don’t lead, somebody else will. If you show weakness or a lack of steadfastness, it will be exploited.  But hey! Do you know what Donald Trump said? I mention this only to illustrate the vast Gulf from reality to American politics. Donald Trump says; he’s going to dispatch an army of poll watchers to prevent the election from being stolen this time.

But actually, it’s only the media photographing themselves in a mirror. Donald Trump says this, or Donald Trump says that. Donald Trump is the biggest God Damned liar the modern world has ever known! Stop pretending like he’s serious. Who knows what Donald Trump might say next. Little green men just landed at Mar-a-Lago! Yet the media stand there microphone in hand listening attentively like, “Oh, this could be important!”

Nobody comments on the lunacy at hand because they don’t want to derail the crazy train, as it’s good copy. Nobody in the business works late with Donald Trump around. Let’s all stand outside the courtroom. Maybe he’ll do a handstand or eat a baby or something? There’s no telling! Better send two camera crews’ boss!

Trump the ogre whispering under his breath and warned by the judge. Sure, that’s adult behavior. Then a juror quits fearful of being outed by Fox News. Sure, that’s responsible journalism. They didn’t learn a damn thing from the $787 million defamation case, did they? The Fox News legal department must be pulling out their hair as the red warning lights flash of imminent litigation dead ahead.

But their goal isn’t to win the case but only to derail and deride it. Attempting to delegitimize it in the eyes of the public before the expected “Guilty” jury verdict is delivered. Oh wait, I’m not supposed to say that. Just because they have the cancelled check and the principal witness’s confessions, it’s wrong to assume. Don’t spoil it for them; they can milk this Trump cow for days on end.

“How will the former President respond to a seated jury?” Twelve angry men and a baby!

House Republicans offer aid to Israel without even looking, based on their connection with the Bible. The problem being most Republicans have never actually read the Bible, knowing little or nothing about the rise of Magog coming from the east. The horn and the little orange horn of the apocalypse.

It was Donald Trump who first suggested bringing our troops home from Europe. A harmless suggestion from a congenital idiot, creating a weakness to be exploited. Creating fear and doubt in our allies. Maybe we can’t be counted on. Maybe Washington will dither while our Capitol is being bombed.

House Republicans decry the cost of supporting Ukraine without looking at the cost of NOT supporting Ukraine. The cost of projecting weakness in the face of naked aggression. Just give him the Sudetenland and he’ll go away!

Maybe if the US won’t support Ukraine after promising to support Ukraine. Maybe they won’t support Taiwan either? Hungry eyes await just such a day.

speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far” – Theodore Roosevelt

As opposed to the current Republican practice of making as much noise as possible without even having a stick handy. The world, what’s that? The whole wide world. From Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon and from Fargo to El Paso. The whole world! Republicans believe that like the monster under your bed, if you just ignore it, it will become discouraged and go away.

Why can’t we be Lithuania or Denmark for a while if we want? We don’t have to lead the free world if we don’t feel like it or don’t want to. Let somebody else do it! We’re trying to save our money. Just put the world on autopilot for a while. It’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen?

Republicans put their money on; “It’s the border stupid! What? Me worry? Election integrity! The World? What is this world, of which you speak?” Is it on another planet? Do they have Donald Trump there?

Stacking brush and tinder harvested through incompetence and stupidity and needing only an errant spark to light the fire. They also serve by their useful idiocy.

Fate has assigned to this country a destiny and hiding from it is useless. Letting go of that destiny might mean never being able to get it back again. Willingly taking all the advantages, while dodging the responsibilities. Sure, let someone else call the shots. What’s the worst, that could happen? Do you know what Donald Trump said?

 “Men (and women) occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” ― Winston S. Churchill

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