All Downhill From Here

By David Glenn Cox

What woah! Just what Donald Trump doesn’t need, another legal case as a defendant. I was just telling my son about Arizona Law. It’s the old west; it’s all very laid back but if you steal a horse. They might just hang you. So, the Arizona eleven or the ten plus Trump, are in for a hard time.

Ain’t that just the way, though? You score a windfall billion-dollar stock rip off and you get a new legal charge. Like getting a bonus on the same day the refrigerator dies. The board of Trump’s Truth Media decided to let Trump cash out early, while the stock still retained any cash value whatsoever. And for all of the rest of the suckers, you get what you deserve. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I’m just not too bright. Donald Trump has left the building! And he’s taken YOUR money with him!

All the usual Trump lackies, lieutenants and soldiers are represented in the Arizona case. Chief among them the hapless Rudy Giuliani. They should make a movie about his life and show it in high school Social Studies class. Don’t let this happen to you, kids! Just look at what this stupid son of a bitch, one-time successful man, did to his life kids! Just say no to alcohol kids.

Now we have three phony elector cases, North, South, East and West. Michigan, Georgia and Arizona and all similar in makeup and cast membership. Their goal was to steal your vote and take away your choice and your country. To throw sand into the gears of Democracy and then use the courts to legitimize their coup. It says a lot for the judiciary, doesn’t it? Republicans never even stopped to ask themselves, will the Supreme Court play along? The Republicans never doubted it for a second. The Supreme Court, the OTHER Republican Party

But wind and the waters erode down mountains, so no one can stay dry in the rain forever. A ding here or a slight dent there. Sooner or later the repetition of charges and the accusations will begin taking its toll. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me in similar multi-state conspiracies to overthrow the government, and I’m a brain-dead moron!

Trump’s campaign is already beginning to show signs of bruising. In Pennsylvania, Nikki Haley took 17% of the vote in the state’s Republican primary. What woah! Maybe, the folks had been out of town or just out of touch. And no one had time to tell them Nikki Haley dropped out of the race a month ago. These are your walk-in bathtub, tennis balls on their walker Republicans. “How long is Tucker Carlson going to be on vacation at Fox?”

More likely it is a warning to the Republican party, one of many red flags. Skyrockets, road flares, sirens and sooth sayers. 17% of Republican voters are saying, no. Nope, Nine, Nyet! They are not going to do it! It wouldn’t be prudent at this juncture. The preponderance of the charges and evidence are making it harder for the Pied Piper to weave his magic spell among the children of Hamlin.

For Trump, the legal news is bad, and it’s only going to get worse. Lawyers argue and peckers spurt, and we are only in the first week of Trump’s hush money trial. Just wait, just wait until the phony elector trials begin. Many of the accused are your second echelon bureaucrats in over their heads, and in for more than they bargained for. Bureaucrats lacking the intestinal fortitude to trade a lucrative career for a temporary Federal prison cell. Instead, they’ll sing like jaybirds in the spring.

How can Donald Trump stand the storm? Of course, he will still carry the Confederacy and the Bible thumpers. But outside of those forbidden zones, Trump’s support is beginning to ebb. It will fall anywhere literacy lives. Anywhere people ask themselves, Gee, ninety something Federal charges and paying off a porn star. Stolen secret documents and trying to edit the security tapes. January 6th and all which that encompasses. Similar conspiracies by Trump loyalists to overthrow the government. Gee, I wonder if Trump is innocent, when all around him are found guilty?

This is the part where the unplanned rapid disassembly of Trump begins. Trump then leaves the courtroom to hold court. Presenting the former Japanese Prime Minister with a ceremonial key to Trump Tower. Ironic, as Trump might soon be handing over the actual keys to Trump Tower to the state of New York. Pretending, just pretending to still be the Big Shot. A photo op shot of morphine to ease the stinging pain of reality.

“I think I am! I think I am still President! Summon Marshal Ney! We invade Prussia at dawn! It’s official…we’ve reached the top of Trump Hill, and it’s all downhill from here.

My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It’s better to burn out than to fade away
My my, hey hey

Out of the blue and into the black
They give you this, but you paid for that
And once you’re gone, you can never come back
When you’re out of the blue and into the black

The king is gone, but he’s not forgotten
This is the story of Johnny Rotten
It’s better to burn out than it is to rust
The king is gone but he’s not forgotten

Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll can never die
There’s more to the picture
Than meets the eye
 – Neil Young

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